This entry is typical of most of the teen years. Part of it was fun, exciting – the motorcycle ride with Rich – followed shortly by another blow to my ego. For the record, Erin Heinlein responded with class to the news bulletin that I liked him – he treated me exactly the same after finding out as he did before. That’s how one should handle such a situation, when the feelings aren’t reciprocal – although it’s hard to envision an adult scenario in which one of my friends plays messenger to inform the object of my desire that I have a little crush.

It’s also quite different from many of my junior high diary entries, in which the boy I liked was a closely guarded secret that I would die to keep. If one of my friends wanted to get a rise out of me, all they had to do is write “Kathy likes Jim” or whoever on my books and I’d be near coronary arrest. Why was liking a boy a cause for such mortification? I don’t know – but what a difference a couple of years makes.
Krystal Pittman Woodward May 24, 2016 at 9:00 pm
I remember my first ride on the back of a motorcycle. You brought it all back to me, it really was like flying upside down, and feeling freer than free. Thanks for sharing.
Sandra (Sandy) May 25, 2016 at 3:40 pm
I remember Rich but I confess I do not remember Erin. I also don’t remember that I told him that but I’m not surprised. I’m sure I probably did a lot worse than that but it sounds like you’ve made peace with it and forgiven the messenger.