John and I in Mexico-themed photo booth with Co-hostess Anne Kurrasch
The invitation for this party (reproduced above) explains it all. I wore the dress I actually wore to real proms in the sixties when I thought it was the most beautiful gown I’d ever seen. The style failed to age as well as I hoped – the dresses worn by most of the other female guests fared better (but I still got to be Prom Queen, an opportunity denied me in real life)
Kirk Hulstrom and Arthur Everett in character.
In this case, the photos are worth a thousand words so here are some of my favorites.
Ceiling stars and disco ball were more effective live than they appear in photos – I guess you had to be there.Joyce and John Salter (one of few people who look young enough to actually be in high school)Bennett Traub with JJ Johnson – JoAnn Hill and DannyKim Mistretta and Karen Hermann, the future Mrs. Art Everett (this was the night they met) & Ken Millikian and Steffani GrahamSome girls campaigned shamelessly to be elected Prom Queen (Anne Kurrasch and Bill Connell)Don’t judge Mr. Hulstrom too harshly. You’d be drinking too if you had to chaperone this thing. The photographer gets frisky with Joyce Salter and Denise Gail Williams.You didn’t hear it from me, but something’s fishy with the Queen of the Prom ballots! (Diane Larson, Joyce Salter, Steffani Graham)Somebody dropped something! (Kathy Williamson, Kirk Hulstrom, Sharon and Russ Carpenter )Karen Hermann, Russ Carpenter, ??, Vicki Hill – Waiting to learn who will be crowned Prom Queen (me, Michael Wasserman, Melanie Sayler, Diane Larson plus people I can’t identify)I was as surprised as everyone else when Mr. Hulstrom announced I was Prom Queen.When you’re a winner, you have to deal with the envy of others. (Sharon Grish, Father Dan) – Denise Trette, Gail Williams – a good time was had by all Joyce Salter, Michael WassermanGoodnight, John. Goodnight, Kathleen.
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