Art Everett, the Hostess with Horrible Hair, Russ Carpenter
Amazingly, one of our guests this evening would win his own Oscar ten years from now in the very same venue (the Shrine Auditorium). It wasn’t amazing because he lacked talent, but because Oscars aren’t easy to come by. Our friend Art Everett’s friend Russ Carpenter (pictured, above and below) received the Cinematography Oscar for “Titanic” in 1998. (Cinematography Oscar for “Titanic”)
Sam fascinated by the feathered fan.
Terry McDonnell, Joyce and John Salter
The rest of us are still waiting.
John Salter, Judith Russell, Terry McDonnell, Joyce Salter and Jon Crane (cut off)
For those of you who (like me) do not have photographic memories, here are the major winners that year.
Anne Kurrasch and Jake Jacobson – long-time friends – enjoy chatting.
Rob Huddy and Deborah Amelon
Anne Kurrasch and Joyce Knutsen Salter
William Atherton thinks the program is running a little long. Bree Salter Rieber in bg, smiling at camera.
Bree Salter Rieber with childhood buddy Thomas Dadourian
John with future law partners Jack and Mary Denove
This was a fun, easy party to throw. I ask guests to dress in formal regalia, as if they were really attending the Oscars. Slightly more than half usually follow through, not a bad average at our age.
Stefanni Graham, Jazz, Mary Bennett
The house-cleaning, such as it is, is on me, but not the food. I let people know it’s pot luck but do not specify what type of food they should bring. For those who prefer a conventional dinner, this adds to the night’s suspense. (We might wind up with 15 desserts, 15 appetizers or nothing but wine!)
Thomas and Marva Fucci, Bobbi Goldin, Moi
I issue ballots and everybody puts $2 into the kitty. One year we upped it to $5 per person which was just enough to jack everyone’s competitive drive to an obnoxious level so the following year we brought it back down to $2 – not really enough money to come to blows over. (Neither was $5 a head but go figure.)
Anne with Dr. Patti Akopianz (Cavender)
Just for the record, I have never won an Oscar pool, which seems a tad unfair since I host the party (apparently, that doesn’t make me any smarter.)
The hosts.By the end of the evening, Anne Kurrasch and Jake Jacobson appear to take their friendship to the next level. They will marry within the next couple years.